A Tribute To
Gordon Bunce
Gordon Bunce 1932-2006
Gordon Thomas Bunce born Friday 9th September 1932
at Hallam Hospital,West Bromwich
Gordon 12month old
When Gordon left school,
he applied for a job
at the Grand Hotel in Birminham,as an
Apprentice Chef
Gordon at 17 years of age
When he received his call up paper at the age of 18 years of age,
Gordon joined the 170 Mortar Royal Artillery, as a gunner.
And when he was demobbed , he appied for a job at Joseph Lucas,
as a trainee, Gordon rose through the ranks to become an executive
manager, and on his way up worked at a few of the Lucas factorie's,
BW5, BW3, Marshal Lake Lane , to name just a few.
For many years Gordon played the roll of Father Christmas, at the Lucas children's parties
Gordon had many hobbies ,he became a successful Author, and wrote two books on Lucas,
he had just started his third book ,when suddenly he was taken away.
Gordons first book
Gordons second book
This was Gordons last book,and it is about the road that he took.
Writing was not the only hobby Gordon had, he was interest in antique toys,
and he also built dolls houses.
This is Gordon and one of the dolls houses he built.
Notice the Lucas sign on the wall.